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Feb 6, 2020

Lizzo’s Personal Massage Therapist & Trainer is NHI Graduate Marcus Ely

NHI Studio City graduate Marcus Ely has work he loves traveling the world as Lizzo’s Personal Trainer & Massage Therapist.⁣ Marcus helped 3x Grammy-winning recording artist Lizzo reach her fitness goals before she became an international superstar. ⁣


Marcus chose to enroll at NHI to further his education and add value to his services as a Personal Trainer.⁣⁣⁣
“As a personal trainer you learn the importance of muscle therapy techniques like stretching and foam rolling, but there are limits to the relief gained from these methods. I knew getting licensed for massage would take my skills and clientele to a new level.⁣⁣
I attended the NHI’s Studio City campus and the experience was amazing. The staff and students were full of positive energy. NHI’s positive energy is unmatched and their level of passion for their students is the reason I would recommend this school to everyone interested in pursuing a career as a Massage Therapist.⁣⁣
Without NHI I was just a trainer. Now I’m a Trainer, Massage Therapist, and Health Educator. Thanks, NHI!”⁣⁣⁣
Thank you, Marcus, for sharing your story!

If you’d like to follow Marcus on his journey as Lizzo’s Personal Trainer & Massage Therapist or inquire about his services give him a follow on Instagram @marcusely or check out his website

Learn more about NHI and becoming a massage therapist by chatting with an admissions representative today! Fill out the form to get more information.