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Tag: massage job

Reggie Wright | National Holistic Institute Graduate Finds Success in Following Multiple Passions

Aug 26, 2011

I have two passions that I earnestly pursue, and they universally transcend common barriers. They are massage therapy and music. I became interested in massage therapy during my tenure in the restaurant industry via waiting tables. A simple shoulder rub and the compliments that ensued soon piqued my curiosity about where massage could take me. It … Read More

I Love My Job! A Massage School Teacher’s Account of the Joys of Education

Jul 14, 2011

The change was AMAZING! She stated that she was not in any pain at that moment, and was amazed by how much further she could move. Nobody had ever told her that change was possible.

This was inspiring to both of us. My student gained a whole new sense of possibility, and I had the privilege of being part of that transformation. It leaves me feeling like I just want to share this work with anyone I can get my hands on!… Read More