Santa Rosa Student Esmeralda Simmons Finds Fulfillment and Family at NHI

Esmeralda Simmons | NHI Santa Rosa Student
Esmeralda Simmons, currently a senior in the Core Massage Therapy Training Program at National Holistic Institute’s Santa Rosa Campus, describes her path to pursuing a career in massage therapy. Learn how NHI adapted to the need for Interactive Distance (IDL) amidst the constantly changing conditions due to the pandemic.
I Felt As Though I Needed To Do More
I have worked as a medical assistant for the past 7 years, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love what I do but felt as though I needed to do more. One night I came across an ad for NHI on Facebook while scrolling on my phone. I decided to get some additional information and scheduled a consultation with an Admissions Representative.
A few days later, I received a call from Julisa who told me all about the school, broke down the course curriculum and what to expect. Without a doubt I ended up signing up for NHI that night. I choose NHI because I want to be able to help clients ease some of the pain they might be having.
I started with NHI on January 2021 and became part of group 49. We were three juniors and three seniors. Given the pandemic, we mostly had class virtually and on Sunday’s we were on campus. When it came time to doing our externship, not many places were open or accepting students. David, the Campus Manager came up with a plan to help us achieve our hours. We would attend webinars and online workshops that counted for hours. We would even do continuing education credits through AMTA and those also counted as hours for our externship. Gabriel, our mentor constantly made sure to answer any questions or concerns we had.
At NHI, You’re Not Just A Student, You Are Family
I’ve now transitioned into a senior and I look forward to continuing my education with NHI. After I complete the Core Program I am going to continue to the Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy (ANMT) Program in Emeryville. I want to further my education as a massage therapist.
I recommend NHI to anyone who is looking to becoming a massage therapist. Do what you love and the people here will always help you in anyway that they can. No matter the problem, the staff here will always be there to help you.
At NHI you’re not just a student, you are family. NHI makes me feel welcomed and they never judge.
So come on over and join NHI. You’ll love it and you will be amazed at how much goes into a massage. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Everyone here including the students are always eager to help you with anything.
Get the details on how you can pursue a career in massage therapy with National Holistic Institute. Complete this form to connect with an admissions representative today.