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May 5, 2021

NHI’s updated Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy Program supports Interactive Distance Learning

Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy (ANMT) Program students & graduates have lifetime access to Manual Therapy Treatment Demonstration Videos featuring Cynthia Ribeiro, founder of the ANMT Program, through NHI provided Microsoft Teams account

While the pandemic has undoubtedly been a challenge for everyone in the Massage Therapy industry, it has also created a unique opportunity for us as educators to re-imagine ways to support our students to have the convenience and flexibility to train from home, while also receiving weekly supervised in-person support on campus.

We have updated and restructured our Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy Program (ANMT) to support students at-home learning with a dynamic, Interactive Distance Learning (IDL) environment.

Here’s how the Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy Program has evolved into an Interactive Distance Learning format:

  • The program is comprised of 5 modules, with 20 classes within each module.
  • Classes 1-15 | Academic lecture, quizzes, bodywork demonstration videos, and student lead collaborative discussions, and a written exam done completely online using Canvas and Microsoft Teams.
  • Classes 16-20 | Guided bodywork application, assessment, strategizing, and bodywork evaluation done on campus which gives the students 22.5 hours of hands-on instruction.
  • Lifetime access to ANMT Manual Therapy Treatment Demonstration Videos featuring Cynthia Ribeiro, founder of the ANMT Program, through NHI provided Microsoft Teams account
  • Hands-on labs are offered on campus approximately once a week to allow students to practice manual therapy demonstrated in the videos with instructor interaction.
  • The last two classes we conduct an extensive client intake, assess, strategize, and apply appropriate bodywork. We relate this information to ensure students understand appropriate dosage of manual therapy treatment and short term session planning. We implement a multitude of techniques to ensure resolution of the client’s main concern, proper neuromuscular retraining, and a patient centered plan for future care with appropriate collaboration with health care providers. This interactive exam supports the learning outcomes of the ANMT Program and allows us to properly assess the development of the Neuromuscular Therapist.

This also includes the following curriculum updates:

  • Incorporated new information from:
    • “Travell, Simons, & Simons’ Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction,” 3rd edition
    • “Principles of Athletic Training – A Guide to Evidence-Based Clinical Practice” by William E. Prentice, 17th edition
  • Updates to the appropriate clinical response to acute injuries
  • Updates to Psychosocial intervention for sports injuries and illness
    • This integrates with the biopsychosocial aspects of pain and recovery already included in the ANMT curriculum

In addition to curriculum updates, we added the following tools to support the student experience:

  • Microsoft Teams | Collaborative Communication Platform
    • Integrated a collaborative environment that allows us to conduct virtual classes and easily communicate with our students. It’s a fun and interactive environment that allows for all class chat files and demonstration videos to be easily accessed by students during and after class.
  • Canvas | Learning Management System
    • Integrated a learning management system designed to support student, instructor, and mentor communication and engagement, allowing real time oversight and tracking of progress and participation.

      A preview of Canvas, the learning management system that ANMT students use for Interactive Distance Learning


      Within Canvas, ANMT students access the module they are currently in. A portion of the Shoulder Thoracic module is seen above.


      Within each module, students have everything they need for each class at their fingertips.

We are excited about the ways we have updated our ANMT program to support our students and teachers as we all move forward and navigate new ways of learning and being in community. We look forward to being at the forefront of new ways to teach in a hybrid environment that includes Interactive Distance Learning in combination with our ground based instruction on an NHI campus.

Are you ready to begin the Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy Program? Questions? Complete this form to connect with an admissions representative today.