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Sep 3, 2008

San Francisco Massage-a-thon

If you compete at a sporting event in San Francisco or Los Angeles, you may have experienced a massage by some of our students or alumni. We volunteer many hours to these great causes. Last month was one of the largest – the San Francisco Marathon – where we were proud once again to be recognized as the official massage therapists.

It was a successful event by every measure! Much gratitude goes out to Lucas Nevarez for coordinating this operation and providing us with the follow-up report.

We had 103 volunteers, 80 tables, and massaged approximately 1200 runners in just a few short hours. The students did an amazing job, taking care of many strained, overworked, and often cramping muscles. NHI was well received and appreciated by these aching athletes.

San Francisco Marathon NHI Massage Tent

San Francisco Marathon NHI Massage Tent

Something this size doesn’t happen without a lot of help. Well-deserved shout-outs go to Nick Lanoza, Beth McNeill, Conrad Santos, Jaime Montenegro, Shoshana Friedens, Giselle Griffin, and Marz Jaffe. Also, thanks to the staff and teachers who helped pump up the anticipation and excitement.

Being a part of a multi-campus, 100+ person “Whoosh!” is enough to send a shiver down anyone’s spine!